
Site Council Supporters include study sponsors and CROs that support the Site Council Dream and are working to implement it within their organizations. To see the Site Council Dream, click here.

By supporting the Site Council Dream, you can:

  • Become a sponsor or CRO of choice.
  • Secure excellent sites for your studies.
  • Eliminate problems that, by sapping your sites' time, money and energy, interfere with the effective conduct of your studies.
  • Demonstrate to sites the high priority you place on building healthy relationships with healthy sites.
  • Encourage sites to do especially good work on your studies in order to earn their Site Council Dream benefits.
  • Have a voice in shaping the Site Council Dream.
  • Use the Site Council Dream to communicate site priorities to others in your organization.

Supporters pay no fees and there is no paperwork. Supporting the Site Council Dream does not mean you have implemented or will soon implement everything on the list; it just means you are working constructively to implement them over time to the extent you can. We recognize that when study sponsors work with CROs, one or both parties may not have control over certain items in the Site Dream. Either party can ask the other party to join it in supporting the Site Council Dream on this basis.